Tucson Festival of Books Selection
We are so proud to participate in the Tucson Festival of Books as Indie Authors.
We just received this letter from that organization.
“With over a hundred books to review our team had to make some very hard choices regarding the authors to invite to represent Indie Authors at the 2024 Tucson Festival of Books.
Congratulations, your book has been selected to participate in the Festival.”
The Festival will be held Saturday & Sunday, March 9 & 10, 2024
Blogging is fun
Blogging is fun—if you have something relevant to say. Otherwise it’s tedious. Fortunately, I always seem to have something to say. If I don’t, I just go to my best friend, and fellow author, Dave Hale, and he ALWAYS has something to say.
Today, Dave said he is driving his wife Carole home to Denver. She broke her foot while walking a trail and now has a couple of plates and titanium screws in her foot and ankle. Ouch! But now she has bragging rights over Dave since she has more metal in her foot than he does in his! Ain’t marriage grand?
So, me being the kind soul that I am called Dave and reminded him I still needed some info from him to put up on the website. (I really don’t put up anything—Pat does because she is the web guru and I’m, well, I’m not). I know Dave has his hands full with Carole (no pun intended, Carole) but I have needs too!
This little blog shows just a sample day in the life of us big-time authors and how we get our work done. I talk about it on the blog and hope Dave comes up with a spectacular answer.
As an aside, I was writing part of the sequel to a book and found myself getting overly emotional because of what some of the characters go through in the story. You see, Dave and I are really invested in our characters. When they laugh, we laugh. When they cry, we cry. When they win the lottery, we get nothing!
So, what have we learned so far today? Probably that Dave and I are just too darn emotional when it comes to our fictional characters. Oh, and Carole is interrupting our flow of communication because of the surgery on her foot. Some people will do anything to get some attention!
But we love you, Carole. Please let Dave come out and play with me—after your foot heals, of course. We still have a lot of writing to do…
- Published in Jim Purdy