Well, the new book West of the Brazos is now available on Amazon! It is the second installment of the Ellie Dupree series. I hope everyone who picks up a copy will take a few minutes and give the book a rating on the Amazon site. And a nice little positive comment would be appreciated. 😊
I am already working on the next book in the Ellie Dupree Series called The Preacher Has a Gun. Ellie just seems to have a knock of running into people in trouble. Naturally she can’t stop herself from doing what she can to help. Of course, she always seems to drag Cole and Manny along with her into the fray. That’s my kinda girl!
Ellie Dupree and her best beau, Cole, are on the trail to save a young mother from Comanchero kidnappers. The killers murdered the woman’s husband and left her child to die in the wilderness.
The young Texas couple are determined to find the kidnapped mother and set her free. But they first have to save themselves from a band of marauding Comanches, seeking vengeance for the massacre at their village from those same Comancheros.
Ellie and Cole find plenty of evidence of the Comanche’s ferocity and thirst for revenge as they encounter the bodies of those misfortunate enough to be caught in the vengeance seeker’s path.
Just as they are preparing a plan to deliver the mother, they find two more individuals who will need to be saved as well. Twelve-year-old Amelia and her giant friend Simp have arrived in the Comanchero camp and are in as much danger as Lupita, the kidnapped young mother.
Nothing is ever easy for Ellie Dupree as she seeks to bring some justice to the Texas wilderness.
Fabulously exciting book. Takes you back to the days of old west. Riveting and fun even in the excitement will keep you pinned to your seat wanting to turn the next page. Cannot wait for the next one.